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1.4404 | X5CrNoMo17-12-2 | PF -45/+15 µm | VED 41,67 J/mm³ | BUR 21,60 cm³/h

Numeric designation1.4404
Chemical designationX2CrNiMo17-12-2
StateAdditive manufactured by means of L-PBF
EtchingV2A-Beize @ 70°C

In the unetched state, the relative density was determined using ImageJ. The microstructural images show the fine dendritic, austenitic microstructure of the individual layers. The parameters are optimal for this material and powder size, as there are only very few microlunks or bonding defects and no unmelted powder particles.

  • Laser class 400 W
  • Layer thickness 60 µm
  • VED 41.67 J/mm³
  • Build-up rate 21.60 m³/h
  • Relative density >99.9
  • Powder grain fraction -45/+15 µm