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WE43 | PF -53/+15 µm

Chemical designationWE43
StatePF -53/+15 µm
Etching0,5% Nital 20 sec

The images show the powder fraction 15-53 µm in topographical contrast. The powder is predominantly round. Some spheres show a melted surface. The powder is used and comes from the plant.
The chemical composition of WE43 according to an EDX analysis (wt.-%) is:

  • Y 5 %
  • Nd 3.4 %
  • Zr 1 %
  • Mg 90.6 %

This American designation system “WE43” works analogously to the German according to the chemical composition. In “AZ91”, the A designates aluminium and Z zinc, which are present in the alloy at 9 % and 1 % respectively. In “WE43”, W is the designation for the element yttrium and E for rare earths, in this case neodymium and zirconium. Yttrium is present in the alloy at approx. 4 % and neodymium together with zirconium at approx. 3 %, the rest is pure magnesium.

The alloy composition allows the material to be used at higher temperatures of up to 250 °C.